viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2020

My Future Job

Hello, everyone, today I bring you a new blog, which on this occasion I would like my future work to be.

Well, the truth is, despite being studying architecture, I'd love to work in the movie world too much, since I'm a big fan of movies.

I'd like to work as a movie director or a film box, I'd like this because always seeing the movies give me an emotion in my person, a feeling of fear, satisfaction, joy or disgust even. And this to me is key, I love to see the camera unwrapped into space, like Christopher Nolan's movies, which next to Tarantino's are my favorite.

I'm sure I need some kind of study with the camera and also know how a movie is headed, but I think I have certain skills that architecture has given me like spaces or image composition, and good to understand the spaces when we make a recording.

I'd be happy to, if I could convey to people the same feeling that the images of the movies give me, knowing that someone had enjoyed the movie by the scenes, I'd be happy. Since more than performing a good script or having good actors, if I could generate something with just one image or the way the scenes are composed graphically, I've achieved my goal, and the truth would be happy to do shots with the camera, I think that cinema is one of the best arts that exist and one of those who have been quite influential in my life, and if I could mix it with architecture, I would be completely satisfied

Thank you so much for reading the blog, leave me in the box of comments you thought and what your future ideal work is, we see people who like to read my irrelevant blo

Last Blog :(

Hello, everyone. I write my last blog here. But it's not all sadness, because one day in a galaxy far away, I hope to return. Today we...